Together we are
welLFLeet Strong
Louie LeBart was an incredible person; he was kind, caring, and considerate of those around him. When he died in February 2014 at the young age of 24 after an overdose, everyone in the community felt the loss. Live for Lou was created after Louie’s passing, in order to live out his legacy and change the face of addiction. Live for Lou seeks to create a community in which no one is left behind, where we can remember those lost too soon, and where anyone on Cape Cod seeking aide for sobriety has access to helpful resources.
To donate online, please click here!
2023 Live for Lou Newsletter
Our mission: Promote Big Lou’s principles of conviction, compassion and curiosity. Our vision: A beautiful environment of healthy competition and caring concern, where no friend is left behind. “Success isn’t just what you accomplish, it’s what you inspire others to do.” Check out our recent interview on The Lowdown, WOMR – The Live for Lou Fund is an advised fund of The Cape Cod Foundation. As a component fund, The Cape Cod Foundation serves as the 501(c)(3) public charity for the Live for Lou Fund. It is dedicated to honoring and celebrating the life of Louie LeBart by grabbing the baton he carried during his brief but exceptional life and inspiring others to continue where he left off. When Louie died at 25, he left behind an enormous circle of friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers and teammates who were forever affected by his athleticism, compassion, curiosity and beauty. Live for Lou intends to continue promoting his inspirational qualities and benefiting others through scholarships, community service, compassion and education. Louie was a deeply intense and multi-faceted individual who had a knack for bringing out the best in people, whether it was through sports, deep conversation, comforting bear hugs or just leading by example. Once you were his friend, he wouldn’t let you down.
Live for Lou supports individuals on their quest for sobriety, as well as the below organizations. One individual said, “Live for Lou was there for me when I was at my lowest point. My life had been ruled by the substances I was using. I had lost myself and all hope for getting better. With the assistance of the Live for Lou Fund, I was able to begin building better habits that help keep me in recovery on a daily basis. The program I was able to attend was a powerful experience, and my perspective was forever changed for the better. I can’t begin to explain how grateful I am for the help the Live for Lou Fund gave me.”
If you are in a similar situation, or know someone in a similar situation, please email Katrina Fryklund, Live for Lou Board Chair, at Katrina will discuss with you your goals for sobriety, and work with local organizations in an effort to find you a placement that Live for Lou may help fund.
Live for Lou intends to extend his legacy in a multi-prong way.- Athleticism
- Beauty
- Compassion.